Posts from ‘June, 2010’

Mr. Clean

I’ve been daydreaming about my imaginary housekeeper for most of the day.  Her name is Rosarita and she takes very good care of us. Each morning she let’s herself in and fixes us a most wonderful breakfast. “Goodbye, Miss Sina.  Goodbye, Mr. Drew.” she says and waves to us from the front door. Rosarita then […]

Roses are Red

Next Monday, Ali is going to find out that one of the remaining bachelors has a girlfriend!  I’m as giddy as a schoolgirl!!!! If you have NO IDEA what I’m talking about then you clearly do not share my guilty, GUILTY pleasure watching The Bachelorette. Now, I know what you’re thinking:  Seriously?  You actually watch […]

Ch Ch Ch Chi….Ahhhh

I fancy myself a “studier of the self”.  I work towards conscious development, if not a little bit of enlightenment here and there.  So imagine my surprise when I stumbled upon the Holy Grail at my very young age. Let me give you a little background.  You see, I have always felt that if I […]

Let’s Get Physical

If you’re coughing up a lung & holding onto the rails for dear life, you SHOULD NOT be on the treadmill!  I don’t understand why people continue to “run” on these things when they’re bodies are revolting.  In front of everyone. This lady next to me is hacking and sweating like crazy.  She’s got her […]

Zen and the Art of Color Printer Maintenance

Well, I’m starting to see what’s keeping me from blogging more frequently. A)  I’m a bit self conscious about sharing my stories, feelings, hatred…  Yes, I’m an actor.  But at my core I’m VERY shy. B)  Whenever I actually HAVE something to write, I can’t remember how the hell to log on to my website. […]