And we’re off…

This is turning out to be a very exciting month.  My SAG membership is paid in full.  Wahoo!!!  And I had a great audition for a national yesterday.  But more importantly, I’m learning so much about myself.  And by learning, I mean reminding. Reminding myself of how very much I hate people.  They are stupid, insensitive, and unfair.  To name a few qualities.  There are more, but they’re not kind.  That’s another one…unkind.

That reminds me of an unkind story I have.  I was carrying my son to an appointment.  He was 3.  We’re a few steps from the office door and I twist my ankle on a damn crack in the concrete.  I not only go down to the ground, but actually DROP my son.  Yes, HE hit the ground, too.  I was mortified.  So, he’s crying and I’m on the ground with him and I turn & there is this guy just standing there.  He’s about 10 feet away and he looks at us and turns.  He doesn’t offer “hey, are you okay?”  He just turns and walks away.  Now I have always had a keen dislike for people, but this solidified it.  People are fucking awful.

Of course, there are exceptions…

Wow, that felt good to share.

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